Cat D5KXL forestry dozer
2015 model w/5290 hours, full guard package, screened windows, enclosed cab w/ Heat and AC, 75 % or better undercarriage, 6 way dozer blade w/pin […]
644 total views, 1 today
Cat D4 crawler tractor
S/N 7U21525 this has been setting for a while, owner has passed away, so i can only tell you what i have seen, this has […]
759 total views, 1 today
Cat D2 crawler dozer
S/N 4U2220 6571 hours showing, This has electric start on pony engine, both engines run good, has good undercarriage and belt pully, it has manual […]
854 total views, 1 today
Allis Chalmers M crawler tractor
this can be parts or project, s/n is WM 14191 they were made from 1932 to 1942 and only 14500 approx. made, this does have […]
825 total views, 1 today
Cat D6H crawler tractor
not sure of year? 5768 hours showing, starts and runs like new w/new undercarriage and tilt on dozer blade, in Wisconsin
2609 total views, 0 today
Cletrac AG3 crawler
s/n 2X1516, this appears to be complete but not running, engine turns over and has very good undercarriage, in Wisc.
3499 total views, 1 today
Oliver OC3-68
this has good undercarriage and Hall manure loader, runs good but needs gas tank, in upper Michigan
2193 total views, 1 today
Allis Chalmers M
this has very good undercarriage, engine has a cracked block and is some taken apart, parts or project in upper Michigan
2027 total views, 1 today
International TD 24
this has been sitting for a while but is complete and will work, the blade winch broke when they quit using it and has leaking […]
2385 total views, 0 today
Cat 22 crawler tractor
s/n 2F 6894 this is a good restore-able tractor, engine turns over, looks to be complete w/original mag and carb, near new rails and sprockets, […]
3343 total views, 1 today
Cletrac model 15
this appears to be complete and have good undercarriage, s/n 1058, it has been stored inside for last 10 years, appears to be tight now […]
4838 total views, 2 today