Listings for Forwarders (15)

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Ponsse Buffalo Forwarder

2020 model w/1389 hours, 15 ton cap. Mercedes 286 HP, Tier IV engine, 8 wheels’ on 4 balanced bogies, 710-45/26.5 tires at 85%, K100 Ponsse […]

175 total views, 0 today


TimberPro 830B forwarded

2013 model w/only 2000 hours, owned by right of way company, it has had limited use and been well maintained, 8.3 Cummins engine w/300 HP, […]

412 total views, 0 today


TimberPro 830B forwarder

2009 model w/9800 hours, 8.3 Cummins engine w/300 HP, no DEF, 750/55 Nokian tires @50%, 20 ton capacity, two section 25 foot boom w/6 foot […]

290 total views, 0 today


Fabtek 344LB double bunk forwarder

2004 year w/14350 hours, has had recent head work done on engine and new hyd. pump, most cylinders have been repacked, 16 foot bunk, this […]

621 total views, 2 today


Timberjack 230 forwarder

1999 model?? 12560 hours showing, not sure if meter is working? New Cummins engine and clutch, Serco loader w/joystick controls, 23.1X26 tires, rear appear to […]

446 total views, 0 today


Valmet 544S Series 1 forwarder

1994 model w/approx. 13000 hours, 23.1X26 tires @70%, manual loader controls and manual transmission w/newer clutch, newer injection pump, this is in Northern Wisconsin, owner […]

597 total views, 1 today


Fabtek 344B forwarder

2006 model w/16400  hours, newer engine and hyd. pump, pro heat, ex-tend-a boom, near new windows, i have seen this and it is very clean […]

952 total views, 1 today


Komatsu XF845 forwarder

2021 model w/1375 hours, Comfort Ride cab, self leveling to 6 degrees, front blade and hood guard, Eco tracks on rear and chains on 2 […]

621 total views, 1 today


TimberPro 840B clam bunk forwarder

2010 model w/7500 hours, Cummins 300 HP Tier engine, new transmission and water pump, 28L tires w/23.1 duals @80% gull wing engine access, one owner […]

1156 total views, 0 today


Komatsu 895 forwarder

2020 model w/7857 hours, 20 ton capacity, 750 Nokian tires @60% Eco tracks all around @80% front hood guard, cold weather start, spacious cab, one […]

571 total views, 1 today


Eco Log 574D forwarder

2017 model w/8700hours, C160 crane, new bucket, 1-set of Clark flotation track, and 1-set of regular tracks and one set of chains, this is in […]

1019 total views, 1 today


HSM 208F-C20 Dual Function Clam Bunk Forwarder w/Directional Feller

2017 model w/3300 hours, 24.250 carrying capacity, high quality German made, new 300 Hp Cummins Tier IV engine, includes directional felling head and clam style […]

712 total views, 0 today


Hultin bucket saw

this has very few hours of use, was on Ponsse, has rotater, nothing wrong with it, just no longer needed, in Wisconsin, saw price is […]

2925 total views, 0 today


Franklin 120 forwarder

not sure of year or hours, runs and works w/Prentice TMS loader and good tires in Wisconsin

4363 total views, 0 today


Valmet 524 double bunk

S/N 524FO120 not sure of year and hours, has 28L tires and heavy axle on front, 700MM on rear, it appears to be tight and […]

3719 total views, 0 today

Richard’s Machinery & Sales

Semi Truck and Trailer, Farm and Construction Machine Repair!