Listings for Slashers,Delimbers and Loaders (7)

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Barko 495ML loader w/saw

2014 model w/12025 hours, mounted on Savage self propelled carrier, includes Hanfab trailer mount 72 inch circle saw, Cummins Tier 111 engine, 35 foot live […]

319 total views, 2 today


Hood 182 self propelled slasher

this is 1996 model, unsure of hours? it is one owner, has John Deere engine, table has newer style saw motor, has extra saw and […]

565 total views, 2 today


Barko 275 self propelled log loader

1999 model w/11,700 hours,  mounted on straight frame towable carrier, 35 foot reach w/pin on heel, 175 HP Cummins engine, 32,000 lift capacity at 10 […]

1270 total views, 1 today


Hood S-182 log loader

1981 model w/estimated 7500 hours, meter broke, good running John Deere engine, mechanical joystick loader controls, pins are tight, does have small leak in collector, […]

1051 total views, 2 today


Pettibone Super 20

this is a working machine that is no longer needed near Antigo, Wisconsin, PRICE REDUCED 7-3-23  Make Offer

5314 total views, 1 today

C2-Serco 92516


Serco loader bucket w/bad rotater

this a good tight bucket from Franklin 170, no leaks just bad rotater, fits log truck too, near Antigo, Wis

3528 total views, 0 today



Hawk 1500 truck loader

s/n 20-0082 this appears to be in very good condition and had little use, extend-a-boom, in Wisconsin, will consider trades, this has 14 foot main […]

4751 total views, 0 today

Richard’s Machinery & Sales

Semi Truck and Trailer, Farm and Construction Machine Repair!